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[促销] 半片单晶硅太阳能板(ZPM435-455MH5-60)

· 自贡兴川光电有限公司 [四川省] 加为商业伙伴
联系人: Sarah Zeng
所在城市: 四川省 Zigon
详细地址: No. 19, Donghuan Road, Bancang Industrial Park, Ya
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型号: ZPM435~455MH5-60
组件类型: 单晶硅组件
转换效率: 20.56 %
输出功率: 445 W
电池片数量: 120 片
外形尺寸: 1909×1134×35 mm
重量: 25 kg
工作电压: 34.06 V
工作电流: 13.07 A
开路电压: 41.10 V
开路电流: 13.52 A
产品认证: TVU

What is a half cell?

Half-cell technology is a technique of laser cutting a standard size cell (156 mm x 156 mm) equally into two cells (156 x 78 mm), which are cut and connected together. The cells of the entire module are then divided into two groups, each containing 60 half-cells connected in series, and the cells form a complete 120-cell module, thus reducing the current through each main grid to 1/2 of the original, and reducing internal losses to 1/4 of the whole cell, thus increasing the module power.

Zonergy Sola Panel High Efficiency Sell Solat 350w Solar Panal 300w

1.Higher Yield Due to Better Shading Response
Half Cell Module comprises two separated and identical solalr cell arrays, which means the ordinary strings of cells are cut into halves, and these shorter strings compose which has separated current paths. When a module is shaded, only one side shaded array's current will be impacted, while the other array will still be functionally producing power. Under this circumstance, when a module is shaded, the affected working areas of Blade will be 50% less.
By cutting solar cell into halves, the internal power loss will be lower and hot spot effect will also be reduced.

2.Less Mismatch Loss

Instead of 6 internal strings of cells, half cell module has 2*6 shorter ones. This design effectively deals with the mismatch happened between cells caused by shadow, out of sync performance degradation, etc. Zonergy Sola Panel High Efficiency Sell Solat 350w Solar Panal 300w SYSTEM & PRODUCT CERTIFICATES·IEC 61215 /IEC 61730/IEC 61701/IEC 62716
ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2015 Environment Management System
ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
ZPM435~455MH5-60 Half-Cell Monocrystalline Silicon PV Modules  Mechanical Data
Cell Type 182×91mm Mono
Cell Orientation 120(6×20)
Module Dimensions 1909×1134×35mm
Weight 25.0kg
Glass 3.2mm high transmittance, reinforced glass
Backsheet Anti-aging film
Frame Material Anodized aluminum alloy
Junction Box Protection class IP68
Cable 4.0 mm2positive pole: 300 mm negative pole: 400 mmwire length can be customized
Connector MC4 compatible connector


I-V Curve Electrical Data (STC)
Current-Voltage Curve(455W)Zonergy Sola Panel High Efficiency Sell Solat 350w Solar Panal 300w Maximum Power (Pmax/W) 435 440 445 450 455
Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmp/v) 33.76 33.91 34.06 34.21 34.36
Current at Maximum Power (Imp/A) 12.89 12.98 13.07 13.16 13.25
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc/M) 40.80 40.95 41.10 41.25 41.40
Short Circuit Current (Isc/A) 13.34 13.41 13.52 13.62 13.72
Module Efficiency (%) 20.09 20.33 20.56 20.79 21.02
STC(Standard Testing Conditions): lrradiance 1000W/m2, Cell Temperature 25*C,AM1.5

Power-Voltage Curve(455W)

Zonergy Sola Panel High Efficiency Sell Solat 350w Solar Panal 300w

Electrical Data (NMOT)
Maximum Power (Pmax/w) 326 330 334 338 342
Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmp/M) 31.19 31.34 31.49 34.61 31.79
Current at Maximum Power (Imp/A) 10.46 10.54 10.62 10.69 10.77
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc/V) 37.61 37.76 37.91 38.06 38.21
Short Circuit Current (Isc/A) 11.11 11.19 11.28 11.36 11.45
NMOT (Nominal Moudule Operating Temperature): Iradiance 800W/m , Ambient Temperature 20'C,AM1.5, Wind Speed 1m/s.

Zonergy Sola Panel High Efficiency Sell Solat 350w Solar Panal 300w

Temperature Coefficients Operating Parameters
Temperature Coefficient(Pm) -0.350%℃ Maximum System voltage 1000/1500v
Temperature Coefficient(Voc) -0.270%℃ Operating Temperature -40℃~+85℃
Temperature Coefficient(Isc) -0.048%℃ NMOT (Nominal MouduleOperating Temperature) 41+3℃
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